Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Add Minutes To Roshan Phone For Sol


After sleepless nights spent trying to understand the operation of this calculator (which for most of them might seem like a computer), rather than the university program to study ... after numerous calls to the Supreme Knower of the secrets of Calculator (Eugene) for steal the secret mystery of the function DESOLVER ... after a vain attempt at the first call and a referral because the Greek Gelmini ... finally managed to bring home a good 22, appears in the calculations and mathematical methods. This unexpected result will bring fresh air in Virginia Street, surely a more relaxed atmosphere. In fact, there are rumors of lavish celebrations, which begin with the return of the Greek: in this regard viavirginiani the hope that the Greek, with his proverbial goliardia, led by Naples some of its amazing gadgets (tric trac, flares), so that they can worthily celebrate the New Year day, which is eaten at dinner in the pleasant apartment. My heartfelt thanks goes to the mythical good calculator in Eugene, that the Greek finally allowed to pass a university exam that he brought with him from when television was in black and white (say, from when he still had hair was reductive)!
Greetings to all.