Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Any Moncler In Woodbury?

year "new" ...

Take the news of 31 December and the first January, no matter what year ... notice anything strange?
budget year past, Italians who have spent less for dinner, the exodus and road deaths, kidnappings of barrels, the speech of the President of the Republic, the thanks and best wishes to our troops abroad, the dinner in family, the champagne corks popping, the wishes, the nightclub at prices from mortgage loan, the struggle between a girl and a Sicilian Venetian to determine who is the first born of the new year, the budget of the tragic barrels, always at the Naples line with the dead and wounded, midnight in Auckland where he welcomes the new year and the first midnight in Hawaii where you say goodbye to the past in the past year, sent from New York, Time Square, Paris, Berlin, London, resolutions for the New Year that will be promptly rejected, perhaps because the new year, given the way the "original" in which they are presented (or as we say goodbye?) was already old.

My wishes for a peaceful 2008 to all our readers. Eux.


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