Friday, September 12, 2008

Registration Burton Snowboards

Where were we??

A dear greeting to the faithful readers of the blog from your Eux! Yes, as said in the post previously pepperanda finally "ric tarting. And 'a must after a long time, however, make a small guide of the many advances that have been away in Virginia in all these months.
We were left with the departure of Frank, and with viavirginiani with morale at its lowest, then luckily with time, and with the many new features which we will talk soon, he returned to the usual "normal" . But we start to talk about the many new features! So, first, as already mentioned, Frank was (in) dignity s ince another bad element, which responds to the name of Marco Gentile, who has collected from Frank the baton in a double room with shared Ulde. Initially we would have to stay only for a month, but then, ovviemente, fell in love with Virginia Street and will remain with us until next year! In effect then Marco Gentile is the new viavirginiano!

Other notable news .... last May graduated Alberto! It has now become a little annoying and Doctor of Civil Engineering, 110 and course rating laura Praise! Immediately after graduation, my dear Albert has well thought out to rnar sene in Portugal and then abandoned (again) the house! Then new problems for the rest of us who are left, namely to find another tenant for the ungrateful sostiutire Alberto! But you know, we know without Mauri there to stay, so we immediately put under contract for one year's brother Alberto, Mario, who haunts the house fortunately only saltu ariamente during the weekend, but I assure you that that is enough!

What's more before the summer holidays, there was an inactive eso as welcome return ... The cool is back in father pepperanda virginia street, and will remain with us until December, thus expanding the ranks of viavirginiani, because now for some time s even live in the six!

Well, I think I've made, after such withdrawal, u n lot of irons in the fire, so for now it's all away from Virginia, stay tuned!

(in photographs, vetches viavirginiani hi and new to mark the celebrations for the graduation of Albert)


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