Monday, December 14, 2009

Homemade Ground Bling

Lendi is circulating on the Courier website!

nonexistent Dear readers, I'm happy to report that
your Lendi was quoted on the website of Corriere della Sera! Actually he was appointed the intervention of a certain Anna Gatti: I'd under a false name (actually it's real name, but you are just Lendi Corbett).
imagine your excitement.
Last night I left a post denouncing the hypocrisy of members of the group of pro-Facebook Tartaglia, now I will transcribe the article.


LONDON - It's called "who attacked BERLUSCONI, HOLY NOW ', written as , all caps. It 'an open group on Facebook right after the release of the news of the attack on Silvio Berlusconi and within minutes has collected about thirty members, who are increasing gradually (one hour have been exceeded cent). It is not alone: \u200b\u200banother social network in the same group was entitled "They attacked Berlusconi! What can we say ???». The title is seemingly innocuous, perhaps belied by the description that the author has included in the presentation window: "We love you PAPI! Hahahahaha! "(Which later was changed to:" It is a group PRO aggressor! But only serves to discuss the incident! "). And again, alternation of pros and cons: "Massimo Tartaglia Personality of the Year ',' Massimo Tartaglia Shame ',' Tartaglia, (ie the one that split his face Berlusca) ',' Shame on Massimo Tartaglia assailant Berlusconi. .. '' I am on the side of Tartaglia ',' Berlusconi Attacked ... We condemn the violence. "
The mood of the network - I mean, as often happens at big events of importance, Facebook recorded in real time the mood of the Network and highlights a feeling by many , definitely not hostile to violent aggression suffered by the President Council. Indeed. "The skull had to break the head of that asphalt," writes Peter La Riccia for example in the board of the group that wants Tartaglia saint immediately. "What a great man! What courage! He has balls! Worthy of merit, "adds Gianluca Masi in the same space. Madau Alice sends word to Tartaglia, 'Man attacked the leader that you are in the heart of every Italian. " Daniele Stefani E: "Aggressor Berlusconi for president !!!!». As Manuel points out Usai: "This is just what anke ke ... you deserve to have done much, much worse ...». And Aunt Stef goes even further, "Marry me please:)." And Juliana Gallo, "It 's the best day of my life ")

VOICES OUTSIDE THE CHORUS - There is someone like Fred Ghiani, who tries to deny the existence of group, which in turn uses strong terms ("you are the scum of Italy) to respond to mockery to the premier. And that is regularly covered with insulting comments in response. Some, like Massimo Carraro, try to highlight the inconsistency of enhancing the attack: "Tell the people to be ashamed to support Berlusconi ... Shame on you to praise acts like this. " And Anna Gatti on the same line: "I would like to point out to members of this group and those who praise Tartaglia as a saint that they themselves are against ... violence, war, etc. .... There seems to coherence? ". E Boso Giampaolo: "Whatever the game, whatever the teams when a player gets hurt in the field, the referee blows his whistle and both teams stop. The attacks must be condemned, all of them, no ifs, ands or buts ... Please, for tonight, let's stop. " But these voices are in the minority. In the evening one of the groups mentioned has been removed, another has deleted all comments of the wall. And several other groups, more than one in support of Prime Minister and several other hand, have made their appearance.

Source: Corriere della

Needless to say, I feel an exaltation of shit.

Lendi C.


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