Monday, November 26, 2007

How Much Do Wwe Wrestler Travel

In very exceptional writing this post connected from Isernia, as I am temporarily away from Virginia Street, of course, the Roman house is to me far from the eyes, but not from the heart ...

am speaking in the blog for virtually put chains on the home page of the site, because the post has now become untenable. Some numbers: this is the 61st post written on the blog. Of these 45 (forty-five) were written by Eux, 14 (fourteen) and one from Frank (meaning ONE) each for Ulde and Greek. This should be "blog of the boys in the apartment of Virginia Street," as our logo, not "people from Via Virginia told by Eux. "It is for this reason that begins my silence the press, which is of indefinite duration, I'll write when I see a more active participation by others to blog, by Eux is all waiting for (hopefully ) positive feedback, I warmly greet all our readers!


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