Monday, November 26, 2007

Is Shareaza Compatible With Itunes


Dear readers, I want to say
a few words about the cybersciopero called by my older brother ...
this blog is something that theoretically should be updated daily, but that's if you have something to tell, if something happens again, or cmq to highlight a significant change of daily routine ...
also increased the number of posts written by eux is indicative of the fact that maybe there are people who spend the whole day lazing at home, while others have much the way home in the Laurentian castro / street Oriolo Romano, then not always have the strength and / or the spirit of throwing down the rows done well, it would be too easy to write after a day full of crap, no logical sense, just to tell the reader to turn "Fuck this blog is updated often ...
prefer quality over quantity ...
Now considering that apart from the flash in the pan of the latest changes to our never-ending corridor, are now several months that the house he lives in apathy and utter abandonment, I do not think that there are egregious facts from highlight ...
sure I can try to think of something, but really hiding topics ...
So if any of the inhabitants of the house has something to say say, perhaps someone who never wrote anything, like Albert, or someone who wrote very little, like the Greek & Ulde, if I wrote that I can think of quite a nice idea, something nice, you can be sure that I fionderò writing it. .. (Not counting the consecutive ...)
But if someone who wrote most of all, think of a decent thing to publish, without putting the public to say who is the one who runs the cabin .. .
I conclude my speech here, I know the relatives I have not well chosen, but after 10 hours spent at university is the last of my thoughts ...
Greetings to all.


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