Monday, September 27, 2010

Cipralex Mixed With Melatonin

Pie Ice - subtitle: good times for travelers

Charlie Stowe waited until he heard his mother snore before he got out of bed. Even then he moved with caution and tiptoed to the window. The front of the house was irregular, so that it was possible to see a light burning in his mother's room. But now all the windows were dark. A searchlight passed across the sky, lighting the banks of cloud and probing the dark deep spaces between, seeking enemy airships. The wind blew from the sea, and Charlie Stowe could hear behind his mother's snores the beating of the waves. A draught through the cracks in the window-frame stirred his nightshirt.
Gasparini was frightened.

(To tell the truth the original is a story by Graham Greene )

Does Houses That Are 60 Year Have Nutural Wires

not even a sailor and an aviator, but a traveler. The submission does not count, count the destination, some people say. Count the desire to explore, the wish to see. Continuing the momentum that is nothing more than to live uneasily. Rivo strangled. River in search of a mouth.
Instead, the journey is everything and the medium is much more than half the trip. The river comes, already no longer the river, but the sea. So in this sense, the journey becomes the cancellation of research themselves. A peace that can only be achieved through something we have not, because we ourselves are the restlessness that torments us.

Perhaps, however, the journey began long before. The origin of the desire to start a trip, there is always a journey already concluded. A return that needs a new start. The stability, well, it is impossible to achieve. Killing means no longer have a return, never to be away from home. Not appreciate his point of departure. If
around his head and look back, the soul is shattered in a few seconds.

Monday, September 20, 2010

How To Ask Guests To Pay In An Invitation


And we are already on Monday ...

the weekend is expected to last an eternity, I had no time to spare that began a new week and tired for doing many things at home, ironing, washing, dusting and ...
I also found time to make muffins

this is the end result and
I give you the recipe, my first time of the muffin ... but they are really delicious!

250 grams of flour 00
packet of baking powder 2 tablespoons cocoa powder 175 gr
granulated sugar 150 gr. dark chocolate drops (a little more to be spread on muffins before baking)
250 gr.
milk 80 ml vegetable oil 1 egg

cucciaino an extract
vanilla 1 pinch of salt.

Preparation is easy: pick up all the ingredients in a bowl dry. Apart
mix milk, oil, egg and vanilla extract. Add liquid ingredients to dry ones, stirring quickly. Do not use beaters beaters, the muffins are mixed quickly and stay a bit lumpy.
Fill the molds for three quarters, cospergete the surface with other drops and bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes ... Yummy! There remains
try that ...
I also found time to write a new dress to my sofa ...
madness made Saturday night from 19.00 to 24.00 and with the help of my husband ...
this is the end result

you like it? give me your opinion ...
The next weekend I will do the same pillow and just finished I'll show you!
Good Muffin and a great week everyone!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Inorganic Chemistry By J.d Lee

swallows in September

Whenever I get a card, stuck it in a book.
usually in what I'm reading. Or one that I associate the sender of the postcard.
I do so with special train tickets. With some boarding pass. With the greeting cards.
Provided that the dimensions are compatible.

For me it's a little 'how to lose a voluntary item that has a certain memory. Only then to be able to find later. A memory
found only creates feelings. And in so doing is a bit 'as if it gave me the memories away.
A sort of time machine. I send postcards from the past, my future self. To make him smile.

Obviously, many of these pieces of paper will be forever kept in books to which they are assigned.
But on the other hand, even normal mail always work as it should.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Excruciating Pain Behind Ears When Laughing


polished like a piece of no man's land,
between the sea and the beach.
As the sea wants to take the land.
Plan. Insistent. An attack of exhaustion
nell'assordante noise
eternal battle.
A horse of a property line for all: a

If we were to end one day, who has won

although not always thought of abandoning
ever did.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mat No 128401 Lomita 010116

Ah girls, it is time to reopen the blog ... holidays are just finished ... what a pity!
begin to do the countdown?
then missing the holidays ... 330 days ... noooo so you can not continue ...
Let's enjoy LIFE, let's enjoy day by day, moment by moment!
Then, I start from where we were ...
Swapping "Forbicine2" nice, a nice exchange, but alas I did not guess the tastes of my Swappin, Arwen Taylon, wanted the small embroidery scissors, I've inserted the scissors shears in size 8cm ... sin ... the haberdashery me bad advice, because in hindsight, I trimmed the haberdashery scissors to cut the cloth ... I'm really regretted ... I will refer!
while I have received from Paola2101, a nice set, and she actually guessed right in which has the taste!

During the summer holidays I created the key to this is the exterior wall

and this is the internal

so very relaxing, a little sea, a week in Paris with my hubby and 2 days in Marina di Ragusa with my husband, my sister and my brother in law ...
ah, relax ...

Now we are back to normal, work - home - work, all this is and will be a sweet memory, moments that will never forget ...
to hear from the next post ... and many good crocettine all, I have already started work for Christmas 2010!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Burleigh China Patterns

Chinese Riss: The Memoirs

Subtitle: short lateral streams of consciousness During the fortnight-long experience Beijing.

Terminal 2 at ten at night is deserted. In the program there are only a couple of flights, both within a few hours. One way to Moscow, one in Brussels. I walk down the wide spaces between the benches abandoned. The almost total absence of people, combined with the background of air conditioning and a chattering away, it makes me think of being in an American film series B of the '80s. Anyone out there still exist?

My phone says that the signal of China Mobile comes loud and clear, so I reassure her and wait.


- Which airport? One, two or three?
- er! , say mandatory.

In taxi with me there's a guy Slovenian, also a student at the Summer School. I've never seen, and I do not want to see him now, so I look out the window. I do not know how, but I feel a rare Magone.

Beijing becomes gradually suburbs and highway, while the radio transmits programs on Saturday evening, all of a sudden I seem familiar.


- Hey, the Koreans Should Know this song!
- Yeah, Maybe They Are NORTH Koreans!

I'm sitting on a comfortable sofa and large, probably the only Italian city to hear the song. Before me there I am a girl of Calgary and a type of Long Beach.

Madison, the girl has a nice face, long hair red hair and blue eyes, exactly what I expect from a Canadian girl.

Yao, type, is of Asian origin, I would say the south-east Asia but its relationship with Los Angeles is seen from a mile away.

She sings Michael Jackson, he dances. In reality we are all singing on the couch: they are what they perform. The karaoke is just getting started, 200 yuan for one hour.

With ten people in the room, represented all the continents except Africa and the awareness that Beijing is out there in the evening, you can not enjoy it like crazy.