Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Burn Marks On Flat Iron

the word condition

destructive restlessness that torments me today, but maybe it's just envy the strong wind outside, which it runs wherever it wants.

the street flying leaves and branches. Perhaps a road sign, poorly balanced, fell to the side with a booming sound. On impulse, I would like to throw your computer out the window - watch it fall or not - does not matter. Put your coat and put the gloves I see myself walking out with the collar turned up.
And I go straight. Straight. The leaves flutter
I saw the large window on the second floor, now follow me like little puppies domesticated. I pass, then stop and wait. I completely stuck in the mouth and nose open collar half. Half-closed eyes from dust, while the mind perceives the smell of smoke, such as freedom burns.
put his hands in his pockets to warm their fingers, but my heart is warm. I close my eyes and open them again.

I do it again. This time, however, the computer is still there. Intact. I am back to my desk.
The wind has already arrived in another city.


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