Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Elliptical Calories Burned


I particularly remember a game against Garcia Moreno, the team Arzignano. It had to cup Veneto, because in those days the Garcia Moreno (that silly name!) Fighting in C2 and we, at most, in series D. And there was this red player is especially bothersome. Physically I was outclassed and even those who continue to prattle on during the whole match. However annoying than that, I mean.
I remember I was playing - which is not uncommon - a lot of mediocre crap, but at some point during a defensive action excited, I stole the ball at the red counter and went in alone. And I remember clearly that at that time off the bench, my team mate - I'll call affectionately 'ilgrandezen' - shouted my name. All this happened while I was running toward the basket with the red following me breathless annoying. All very fast. And then 'ilgrandezen' I shouted: "schissa." That's right, "schissa" - he said - in the sense of "crushes". In the direction of the ball in the basket.
And of course I remember that almost burst out laughing as I ran, but then what happened was indeed just that. Not a big dunk, or perhaps even a lot of ugly - as long as you can say, "several-ugly." But I remember it well because it was not the only one - but almost - that I never failed during an official game. And then, after all the Garcia Moreno played in C2 and the red was annoying. And I imagine the gaze of astonished 'ilgrandezen', but, still, I came back to defend with my stupid grin.
So I went a little to the side of the field to the bench, so he could hear me. At that point I told him: "You told me to schissare, and I schissato. Verbatim. And then and there I felt quite cool.
course then we lost twenty-five points. Or more.


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