Monday, November 22, 2010

Strengths Of Yogurt Activia

Creative World

Rain, rain and more rain ............ spend a pleasant day ????????

But Bologna ..... PASSWORD: CREATE!
THE CREATIVE WORLD ....... full immersion into the world of creativity.

Visiting these places is always very pleasant ........ admire buy, meet ..... what could be better??

Depart in the morning with heavy rain ...... but we blogghine who stops us ???????

along the road section of the Apennines, I never liked ...... but this time I was doing the escort cassette ....... ........ then just talk, talk Observe the landscapes full autumn ......

Bologna also greeted us under a heavy rain ........

already near the entry surrounded by bloggers who ...... trolley for purchases, those who have backpacks ...........

just entered I breathed the air ..... everywhere creative accessories, creations, courses, demonstrations, all the more ......

But in these environments meet friends ????????????? But certainly yes ..... some other Tuscan Creative Blogger ...... e. .... Beta ..... sweet person ......( always brings with it sweet handmade)

........ go find it in his blog, some this post dedicated to Creative World .......

I bought, I bought ...... it is impossible not to buy .....

stand out from the pleasantly tranquil and satisfied destination ..... ....... ....... Bologna center

had lunch in a cute little place ...... walked through the streets, already dressed in party ....... very, very nice this town ..... I'm back .... because there is very little from where I live .......

end of this delightful day at the home of Dany more hours passed pleasantly ...... ...... ....... her laugh I adore her ....... creations as his thoughts fill my heart .....

I leave you with a little thing that I sewed, but we want to apply a little bit then I'll see ....( )......

waiting to see what I do for Christmas ..........

good start in the week even more rain.


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