Friday, November 12, 2010

Windows Movie Maker Won T Open Mswmm

hearts and ribbons

Christmas approaches, many things to prepare, it is to think of the handmade gifts like that ..... so much to who I mean ......... I'm working on, figuring ... ........ hoping ......

able to create tasty little things ......... with the help of a "Maghini" I can do it ........

I also have friends with whom I work who ask me things to make, sewing, assembling ......... They've delivered hearts


a wreath in dark wood .......

of synthetic green .......

I sewed ribbons and fabric ......

and that's what made my hands ........

tonight ...... we hope it will give the taste of them ............

I'm thinking of the letter to Santa Claus, I saw that some friends have already written something ........

mah ........ I'll see .....

nice day.


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