Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cruising Spots Orlando

Two days at Christmas .....

Two days before Christmas ........

hectic days ..... I still have to finish ... that the gifts will be delivered by hand .....

my Father Christmas has already begun in several places ....... has already arrived in some time to come .......

after these hard days will resume visits to your blog, see your wonders ........

I take this opportunity to thank still sweet thoughts that you had for me ..... and you



I wish I had the power to give for Christmas

every child a smile, give to every mother

his son a hug for at least

and dry the tears of those who have lost too,

to caress the heart of a desperate dream

and give a little soul in torment 'of peace.

I wish I had the power to shut down for Christmas

the noise of war and terror from the face

of those who life has too often violated.

I would like to transform violence in an embrace of peace

where colors, religions and differences of any kind

can dance the dance with respect

forming a better world because of love.

I wish I had the power to wrap love

and get it within the walls of your soul

to make everything a bit 'better.

I wish I had the power to give everyone a world

of love and a Merry Christmas full of dreams.


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