Monday, December 27, 2010

Water Feeder For Rabbits Is Broken


Nataleeee Good ... although a few days late! for me this Christmas was different than others, because of the many innovations that will tell you ... two are the most important ...
is the first ...
taataaan ... STORK has gone from my house and stopped, so I'm waiting for a Tatino or tatina ... and we are delighted!

the second ...
taataaan ... after ten years of sacrifices, and after much waiting, came the fateful contract ... I changed jobs, and improve my life, I have more time for me, for us ... THANKS
P. YOU made this possible ...

the third is ...
taataaan ... this Christmas we have given away the dryer ...
enough hangers for home, just heating on to dry your clothes, just move the hangers when the sun turns, and above all, just iron ... I give you just a tip
... is very comfortable!

that tell you more ... not enough for me at this point still wish you good good start to the end of 2010 and 2011, which is productive of so many crosses and many many many beautiful things ...
I'll post as soon as my Christmas chores!


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