Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Multiple Bluetooth Headphones

A sweet woman .........

Last week I received an envelope ...... joy of my eyes ......

the sender artist / blogghina very very good, Elizabeth.

of buttons and I ordered a kit from his new blog .........

I had something of her own ..... a moleskine particular that I love so much .....

his painting is the background of my phone ..... I will say that liked ??!!!!!!!!

I opened the envelope, all very nice, accurate ......

Several bags were inhabited by his buttons made with care and sophistication ....... .......

are so special live and do not even know if they'll never use ........... the only thing I do these days is watch them, watch them .... how beautiful!

But in the envelope I found another package that does not expect .... .........

He wanted to give myself ..... ........ this sock decorated with his designs! Creating particular, who is an artist who only manages to achieve. And she is in all respects.

Go see it in his blog ..... here and here ...... get drunk with beauty, taste and skill!

Thanks again for your sweet thought, dear Eli.

......... I withdraw because I had the light that my gifts have yet to be created and the days are pochiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .......


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