Friday, December 31, 2010

Dvd Players Undf Files

new year happy new year!

midnight rang above the village
in the peaceful piazza solo ...
bounce in the air for a time without the tacit radius;
went the distance, while the wind
garrulous as a tinkling silver
village and for the lonely, wandering
a trotting horses felt;
a horse around, here whinnied
leaned over to look at the tax collector;
few windows still lit up
and midnight, slow and sounded. The
care to twelve horses
comes with twelve gentlemen.
and all, hurry, came out
with suitcases, with boxes, shawls;
and the first, an old and good-natured tremulous:
"Praise be to God - he said - we are on time! "
was the thirty-December and that it was time
year old, curved leaves, in the eternal sea of \u200b\u200beternity
vanishes, disperses, fades,
as they go for villas and hovels
kisses and hugs, cheers and good wishes.



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